Very often we mouth this statement and I wonder if we ever grasp the meaning of it. There is nothing that we do on earth, good or bad, that is not done through human beings. Even when we offer petitions to God for favours God answers us through man. No man has ever seen God respond to him in person. Man has always being the medium. Even prophetic messages of God are also delivered through man
Given the above scenario it means that anybody can be used as a tool or agent of God to minister on behalf of God. The question then is how many of us position ourselves to do the work of God. One of the prayers popular with members of the Eckankar religion of Light and South is to offer themselves as a channel to the Sugmad (God) through which others might be reached. God can use any willing Soul to reach man.
This is the reason many times we get shocked receiving help from unknown persons who meet us at the point of our need and these are people some of us refer to as angels of God. Sometimes the help comes when all hopes are lost and in such a surprising manner you may not even have the opportunity of rewarding the doer. It is possible he may disappear out of sight.
Today many of our public officials are charged to minister to the needs of the people using state resources, common wealth of the people. Rather than do so with the fear of God many of them have seen such opportunity as a gold mine to rip off the people and worsen their situation. This is the situation as at present when politicians have dealt severe blows to the electorates as they indulge in primitive accumulation of wealth.
In their greed they impoverish people forgetting the ephemeral nature of power and the transitory nature of existence which takes man away at the time he least expects. Even when his religion may have taught him the futility of his actions which he can also behold from the experiences of others he remains stuck in gratifying his material desires.
It is to them that the renowned Greek philosopher Socrates said that, “men eat as if they are going to die today and they build as if they are going to live forever.” Every man should live with the consciousness that we came to earth with nothing and will leave with nothing, yet in between we create humongous crisis through primitive struggles that deprive others of joy on earth. Such defeats the purpose of life.
Public officers should mind and weigh every of their action and ensure that every step is designed to serve the interest of the people as it will please the creator. They should make themselves channels to serve man. Doing otherwise would attract serious karmic bond they must experience either here or hereafter. The law is adamantine; the wheel of justice grinds slowly and must hold true for everyone.