The magic year 2020 with special numbers has rolled into history but not without leaving some painful memories and for balance some good events to relive. It would appear that in the end it left the globe with the short end of the stick. The well worn out cliché that the world is a global village correctly found expression in the pandemic that hit the world early in the year affecting virtually everything in its wake.
The joy of the Christmas celebration and the ushering of the new year have put people in an upbeat mood with positive expectations that year 2021 will reverse what its earlier brother has created and move the world forward. The usual predictions from seers portend of the good the bad and the ugly.
It is not unlikely that navigating through 2021 one is bound to experience some shocks, surprises upsets, rebounced in many areas of life. Some of the issues are not what our plans, resolutions, strategies, prayers can contain. Not even our strong belief in the Creator for a good life can wish away some of these challenges.
People are better equipped to manage their issues if they can have the realization that naturally everything is a possible occurrence in life and so should have a plan B to navigate out of any likely upset. The world is seriously challenged at present by issues created by ourselves and those of natural phenomenon beyond our capacity to influence.
Some of the challenges confronting us call for us to demonstrate our humanity to one another. Notwithstanding our differential races, faiths, colours, shapes, sizes, geographical location etc mankind is one and has myriads of issues. One way we can pull through is to be there for each other in times of challenges.
The problems that confront us should task us to bring out our ingenuity to bear on the issues. We should creatively seek new ways of solving old problems. There is no problem which does not have a solution. We should operate with the realization that no man is ever given more than he can handle for the Creator is never an unjust and a wicked one.
We should therefore cease from lamentations, regrets, agonizing moments, anger, desperation, etc and rise to face the tasks that confront us. Problems are the breakfast of champions. Some are designed to test our capacity, as well as bring out the best in us. Without problems many of our strength will be lying dormant.
For our leaders there is so much rested on their shoulders. Our leaders should change their mind set which sees leadership as a meal ticket and opportunity to best other in terms of material acquisition. The scripture has said that the greatest among us shall be the servant of the people. How well have our leaders served.
People in authority should see themselves as representatives of God on earth charged with the responsibility of ministering to the needs of the people with whatever resources at their disposal. It is without argument that the greater part of the problems of our society revolves around poor leadership. The legendary prolific writer Chinua Achebe long identified this and shockingly we have lives with that challenge.
Leadership should be seen as service and everyone should avail himself as an instrument of service, a tool in the hands of God. Everyone who calls himself a leader should re-examine himself and weigh his or her actions if they are in line with the expectations of the people. Our politicians should turn a new leaf in this blessed year.
In all our strivings we should do everything in love, Love is everything. There is none of our religions or faiths which have not enjoined us to practice love. The world is as loveless as it is because we have refused to demonstrate love. Love should start from us. If we are truly loving ourselves we would refrain from those things that hurt others because the returning action of reaping will serve us the consequences with greater effect.
This is the reason we should cease from short cuts, cutting corners and creating disorderliness through our behaviours. There is a certain orderliness that pervades the world on creation. The disorderliness we are experiencing globally is a creation of man which keeps returning to him. We must demonstrate that we good students of history by learning from our experiences.
News Echo wishes all our readers a greater 2021 devoid of pains, hardship and all manner of difficulties. We have the capacity to make the society a better place and we therefore urge all to join hands to realize the 2021 of our dream.