Once again, it is worthy to thank God again and again for His mercies and compassion. We are all living to honour and to appreciate God always for the great things He is doing for us, the ones our eyes can see and the ones we cannot see with our physical eyes.
Therefore my brethren, let us arise and give honour to whom honour is due.
A life of testimony, oh yes, are we living a life worthy of emulations. Every living being ought to live a life of a testimony. How do I mean. For one to live such a life, it means you are working in conjunctions with God’s will. God Almighty is capable of taking care of us. In all circumstances and situations, God is able to do all things.
We should allow praise and worship to always be in our mouths. A life of testimony does not mean that trials and temptations will not come our way. No, afflictions really come to the righteous and to the wicked. Adversity and affliction are not because of our sins. It is a natural phenomena. But the difference is that, when it comes to the righteous, it means God wants to take that person to a higher level. One cannot just step up without passing through storms. And when it comes to the wicked, it means the person is far from God and God wants to draw such a person back to Himself. Our Lord does not wish His beloved children to eternal condemnation. His love for us is an agape love. He has a good plans for us.
Our strength in God determines our faith in things of God. Naturally nothing is beyond God. He has always wanted to discharge His power upon us. For God to prepare us to a higher level, it means, testimony is always in our mouth. Check around your life, the so many things God has done for us, they are awesome and amazing. All we need is to keep on believing in God.
We should avoid the company of the wicked. You know that God does not give anyone power to direct His programmes. He directs His programmes Himself. If not, it would have been something else.
We should not allow regrets to bring us down.
No matter what one passes through in life, God is too faithful to those that truly trust in Him.
We should always guard our thoughts against evil. We should not allow any discussion that is not of God. We should try our best to forget what we have not achieved and thank God for His blessings which are too numerous to count.
PROVERBS 24 verse 10 says, if you are weak in a crisis, you are weak indeed. And he that failed in the time of adversity, his strength is small.
And hope differs, maketh the heart weak. How strong are you before those challenges of life. Are you challenging those challenges? good!! Be strong and brave because God already has given us the power to be bold. And you know very much that without God you cannot handle them, so l urge you to call upon the Lord, He is capable of taking us away from those ugly situations and at last we shall confess with our mouths how marvelous our God is.
God has always advised us to be in good terms with one another. And that we should not be our own doom. In all we do in life, we should try our best not to enter into our enemies trap. God has promised to build a protective wall around us. And a none disciplined man is like a house without a fence. Our thoughts are like windows and doors to our lives, so we should be careful about what we imagine in our hearts. This is because, our enemy the devil watches us from afar to know when we’re living a reckless life, and he will attack us. Therefore guard the door and the window of your life carefully.
God created us to possess us completely.
Correcting others should be done with love and care. This is because no one is righteous before the presence of God. When one makes a mistake, we should know how to correct him/her, so that you yourself will not sin in the process of correcting another person.
Always follow your conscious because it is the voice of the soul. Every active child of God should know actually when a voice of God is speaking and otherwise. Therefore always follow your conscious diligently with fear of God.
Being courageous is a virtue and prayer should be our daily exercise. This is because a prayerless christian is a powerless child of God. And you can see with me that
for God to help us to witness another great and wonderful month of the year, He has a special package for us.
In this month of April, we shall excel, we shall succeed in all we do, We shall encounter financial, material and spiritual blessings. And we shall obtain the favour of God in all we do this season, Amen. The goodness and mercy of God shall locate us in our endeavours, Amen.